Monday, May 8, 2017

gun control

Gun Control

In today’s society, many people carry a firearm regularly or have one close to access. It is very important that the people know proper safety of guns and how to handle with care like they are the deadly weapon they are designed to be. With evolving times guns change through the years with many different styles and calipers. Knowing how to properly control something this serious can save not only your life but others around you.

Many laws have been passed that fall under the firearms category, such as restrictions on who can possess and operate them. Also, there are classifications on guns depending on the kind. A non- restricted firearm is defined as rifle or shotguns that are not prohibited or restricted. This includes most common long-guns, including the shotgun. As with all firearms, in order to leally acquire and own a non-restricted firearm, a person must obtain a possession and acquisition license and take a safety course.                                                                                                  

           Restricted guns fall under ones such as handguns which require a permit to carry and must be over the age of twenty-one years old. The persons must also be able to pass a standardized back ground check given by the government to see if the buyer has a dangerous or suspicious criminal record. Also, this includes specific types of long rifle that are restricted in the criminal code.



       Other classifications include title II weapons that include automatic machine guns, short barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, explosive (including grenades, and rockets), large caliper firearms (higher than .50 caliper) and multiple accessories, such as thermals and silencers. The exact rules of ownership do vary from weapon to weapon, but to obtain a title II weapon it requires title 7 or title 10 federal firearms license.

To sell title II weapons the dealer must have a class 3 weapons license and have the proper back ground check requirements. Under no circumstances can a dealer sell a automatic gun to a buyer without the correct paper work. This standard is held high in the united states because the government wants to protect society from potential dangers that may arise if these procedures didn’t happen.


              While it is stated in the 2nd amendment that all Americans have the right to bear arms, convicted felons are not allowed to possess or own a firearm. If caught with any type of firearm the convicted felon will face more fines and jail time, the only weapon a felon can legally possess is a recurve bow, long-bow, cross-bow, and sling shot.

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